You can create as much or little content as you wish – your memories will be started as Stories, the more your build they will evolve into Chapters, which can then be built into a full Life Biography to leave for generations that follow you. Once the content is built, we use AI and ML to craft a magical virtual reality story that can be seen by generations that follow. They will be able to hear you talking about the event in your own voice (if you choose) and see the moments that you want to last forever.

Bio-Fabric™ is the process of Storytelling by weaving the biographical fabric of our lives (your life experiences and cherished mementos or collections) into an application for an augmented and virtual reality experience.



Life biography


Bio-Fabric™ is a compilation all of the memories you submit (Beholder content) that make up the fabric of your life.

Your life memories, photos, videos and the stories that go along with these are the biological fabric of your life or your Bio-Fabric.

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a specific event in your life that you want to remember – built with your content and story which can be supplemented by inviting others to contribute content and memories. For example, you attend a graduation ceremony and want to add photos, video and your own first-person narrative of the event. Then you can invite others that were at the graduation to add their photos or content to your story (which you approve upon submission) and they can also provide comments on their memories of the event.
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compilation of events and memories from a specific time frame in your life which you designate as a “chapter” of your life. For example, Childhood, High School Years, College Years, Wedding, Anniversary, etc.
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Life biography

full compilation of your life story after you have built Stories and Chapters which comprise your entire life biography that can be memorialized for future generations to understand who you are/were, what was important to you in life. These are your life messages and experiences that you value and want to share with generations that follow – a way to forever be remembered that comes to life like no other.